Mutual of America Financial Group Presents: Business Continuity Planning for Nonprofits

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Tuesday, September 26 from 2:00-3:00 (ET)

In an unpredictable world, nonprofit organizations face unique challenges when it comes to maintaining their operations and fulfilling their mission, especially in times of disruption. This presentation delves into the essential concept of business continuity planning tailored specifically for nonprofits. It explores strategies and best practices to ensure these organizations can adapt, continue their vital work, and serve their communities even during unexpected events. By understanding the principles of business continuity planning, nonprofits can build resilience and enhance their ability to make a lasting impact.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Understanding the Importance of Business Continuity for Nonprofits
  2. Designing and Implementing Effective Business Continuity Strategies
  3. Engaging Stakeholders and Building Resilience


Hosts will be Steven Ortiz, Brian Gaumont, and Ryan Peasley. REGISTER NOW for this FREE event!