We are looking for a full-time staff attorney to be based in Livingston or Red Lodge, Montana. The Attorney will work in partnership with Domestic and Sexual Violence Services of Red Lodge, Montana, and ASPEN in Livingston, Montana.
The NLADA Job Board is a free service that connects organizations and professionals across the equal justice community. Though postings vary, they typically include positions in civil legal aid services, defender organizations, pro bono and public interest organizations, public interest law firms, and academia. This area is open to all, either for browsing of for posting jobs.
For assistance with posting, please contact us at [email protected].
Currently Available Positions
The Federal Public Defender for the District of Utah is accepting applications for a full time Assistant Federal Public Defender.
Supervising Immigration Attorney
Location: Hyattsville, MD (Hybrid)
Salary: 85,000 annually
Schedule: Full-Time
• Develop an inventory of in-house courses for yearly training and a calendar and budget to implement the course offerings;
• Maintain a database of staff training requests, to include both external and internal trainings;
Valerie Zukin was a fierce immigrant rights lawyer dedicated not just to her clients, but to
mentoring new attorneys to fight for detained and other marginalized immigrants. The
Valerie Zukin Memorial Fellowship was established in September 2021, when Valerie passed
NLSLA provides free assistance to more than 160,000 individuals and families a year through innovative projects that expand access to justice and address the most critical needs of people living in poverty throughout Los Angeles.
NLSLA provides free assistance to more than 160,000 individuals and families a year through innovative projects that expand access to justice and address the most critical needs of people living in poverty throughout Los Angeles.