Board of Directors

NLADA's insurance program is overseen by two Boards of Directors. Together, they ensure that the interests of members/policyholders are represented at the top levels of decision-making.

NLADA Mutual Insurance Co., a Risk Retention Group Board of Directors

This board is comprised of individuals and members from the NLADA membership community, of which a majority is elected/re-elected annually by NLADA Mutual policyholders.

Jo-Ann Wallace

(Board Chair) NLADA Mutual Insurance Co., RRG,  Washington DC

Clara Hernandez

(formerly with) El Paso County Public Defender,  El Paso, TX

Avis E. Buchanan

(formerly with) Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia,  Washington DC

Jeremy Lane

(formerly with) Mid-Minnesota Legal Assistance,  Minneapolis, MN

Ken Levine

Ken Levine Coaching,  Phoenix, AZ

Karen A. Newton Cole

Neighborhood Legal Services Program of the District of Columbia,  Washington DC

Leonard Noisette

(formerly with) Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem,  New York, NY

Scott Turner

Minnesota Lawyers Mutual (MLM),  Minneapolis, MN

NLADA Service Corporation (NSC) Board of Directors

This board is made up of predominantly NLADA members/policyholders who are appointed by the NLADA Board of Directors. The NLADA Service Corporation will continue its primary role as insurance program manager and administrator.

Jo-Ann Wallace

NLADA Service Corporation, Washington, DC

Deierdre Weir

(formerly with) Legal Aid and Defender Association, Inc.,  Detroit, MI

Jonathan D. Asher

(formerly with) Colorado Legal Services,  Denver, CO

Kenneth Days III

City of Atlanta Office of the Public Defender,  Atlanta, GA

James Neuhard

(formerly with) Michigan State Appellate Defender Office, Detroit, MI

Rhodia D. Thomas

MidPenn Legal Services, Harrisburg, PA
