House Appropriates $350 Million for LSC in FY 2017
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies adopted its FY 2017 appropriations package for consideration by the full committee in May 2016. The bill includes $350 million for the Legal Services Corporation, a $50 million increase in the amount the committee provided last year.
This is a meaningful and welcome improvement in the House position on LSC. However, with many conservatives in the House continuing to insist on a budget topline based on the 2011 sequestration levels, rather than the 2015 budget agreement, it is not yet clear whether the bill will move to the House floor for a vote.
At this morning's subcommittee markup of the bill, CJS Acting Ranking Member Mike Honda (D-CA) and Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Nita Lowey (D-NY) both vocalized strong support for the Corporation and expressed disappointment at what would be a $35 million cut from FY 2016 levels, if it were enacted.
The appropriation for LSC approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee last month was higher, at $395 million. NLADA offers its appreciation for the bipartisan support demonstrated by both chambers, and we will continue to advocate that this disparity is resolved in favor of the Senate proposal.