Civil Library

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As a member you have access to NLADA federal regulatory publications that provide analysis of and compliance guidance for key LSC regulations that prohibit certain advocacy activities such as the restrictions on the attempt to influence legislation in 45 CFR 1612. We also prepare guidance that address what can and cannot be done by programs that receive funding from LSC in particular practice areas that are identified as critically needed legal services by client communities, such as reentry services.

NLADA’s current member publications include:

What Can and Cannot Be Done: Representation of Clients by LSC-Funded Programs

Guidance for LSC Programs Re: Reentry Grants

Guidance for LSC Programs Re: Court Debt Collection

Subscribe to NLADA’s Update and Memos

Members also have the exclusive opportunity to subscribe to NLADA’s Update and Memos offering news and insights on federal developments related to LSC funding, other federal funding opportunities, and memos that provide specific guidance for LSC programs such as what advocacy activities are permissible during and outside of working hours.

Click here to access subscription publications for members