MLK Day of Service 2025

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Transform Communities with AmeriCorps VISTA

In 2017, the National Legal Aid & Defender Association (NLADA) partnered with the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to create an innovative pilot program that trains AmeriCorps VISTA members in best practices in Community-Oriented Defense and places them in public defense agencies in order to put these principles into practice and establish systems for ongoing sustainability.  This AmeriCorps VISTA project allows NLADA, for the first time ever, to provide boots on the ground to in-need public defense offices in order to help offices modernize their approach to evidence-based practices, data management, and community partnerships.  Over the course of their 12-month term of service, AmeriCorps VISTA members perform activities such as building community partnerships within their host communities and developing data systems and analysis methods to drive evidence-based practices by their host organizations.


The NLADA VISTA Program is creating lasting change in communities by placing dedicated individuals in public defender offices and other justice-focused organizations nationwide. These passionate members:

  • Mobilize resources to strengthen public defense systems.
  • Engage volunteers to expand access to justice.
  • Develop data-driven solutions to address systemic challenges.

Your support makes a difference.

By contributing today, you help:

  • Provide housing stability for VISTA members, ensuring they can focus on their critical work.
  • Open doors to long-term careers in public defense through professional development.
  • Equip members with the tools and resources needed to create sustainable, systemic change.

Together, we can build a justice system that is equitable and accessible for all.

Donate now and be the change that drives justice forward.

Donate Now

Learn more about AmeriCorps VISTA: