MIE New Executive Director Training
Tuesday, May 10 | 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 11 | 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
This two-day training is newly updated and more relevant than ever to the challenges facing the legal aid executive director today. It is designed for the new directors of LSC-funded, IOLTA-funded, elder law, pro bono and protection and advocacy programs.
The intent of the New Executive Director training is to help new directors, who typically learn on-the-job, to more quickly achieve deeper insight into their work. The training stresses both 1. knowing what should be done to lead an effective program, and 2. actually doing what needs to be done.
Trainers will include MIE Board Members Jan May, executive director, AARP Legal Counsel for the Elderly, and Jacquelynne Bowman, executive director, Greater Boston Legal Services, and Patricia Pap, MIE executive director.
Please register by April 13, 2016.
Cost: MIE subscribers $365; non-subscribers $465, in addition to the basic conference fee.
To register, visit, or contact Patricia Pap, MIE executive director, at [email protected], 617.556.0288.
New Pro Bono Managers: Nuts & Bolts
Wednesday, May 11 | 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Designed for new (in the position for one year or less) pro bono coordinators/managers, this program will address the basic elements of operating a pro bono program. Trainers will discuss a wide range of topics including program structure and governance, intake and referral procedures, using technology to recruit, support and thank volunteers, maintaining a client-centered approach to service delivery, strategies for effectively utilizing volunteers and ways to develop partnerships with the bar, bench, and other providers of legal services and other groups.
Pre-registration required.
Cost: $125 in addition to the basic conference fee (includes continental breakfast and lunch on Wednesday).
Space for this event is limited. Cancellations must be received in writing no later than April 8, 2016 and are subject to a $20 penalty.
Law School Pro Bono Advisors Program
Wednesday, May 11 | 8:00 a.m.-5:15 p.m.
Designed for law school pro bono program advisors, coordinators, directors and assistant and associate deans, this program will take a close look at law school pro bono including cutting-edge programs and activities. Several interactive workshops will explore the unique aspects of operating and expanding a law school pro bono program.
Cost: $75 and includes breakfast, lunch and evening reception.
Pro Bono State Support and Access to Justice Coordinators Meeting (Invitation Only)
Wednesday, May 11 | 12:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
This by invitation-only meeting is designed for statewide staff persons who address pro bono issues, whether as their sole charge or one piece of varied ATJ responsibilities. The focus of the agenda is pro bono, from topics purely pro bono in nature to the pro bono perspective of broader ATJ issues.
Beyond the Basics: Experienced Pro Bono Program Managers
Wednesday, May 11 | 12:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Learn about national trends in pro bono efforts and how you can use these trends to your favor. Learn what motivates your volunteer base, board members, staff and program partners by assessing personality and work traits in the volunteer arena. Move from volunteer recruitment to volunteer engagement by learning about what works and what doesn’t for different personality types and how to use this information to improve volunteer experiences while strengthening program endorsement and support. Sessions include interactive self and volunteer motivation assessments and strategies for identifying successful trends and modifying them for the unique needs of your program and volunteers.
Cost: Included with the basic conference registration fee.
Self-Represented Litigation Network Educational Program
Wednesday, May 11 | 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
This program brings together court, private and pro bono bar and legal aid practitioners in self-represented litigation. Educational sessions will cover a broad range of innovations, research, and collaborations, with a particular focus on the implications for state and local programs of changes in the national environment. A significant portion of the time will be spent in sharing and group problem solving. This preconference is open to all practitioners, including those working for and with courts, law and public libraries, law schools, and in unbundled representation, regardless of their participation in the Self-Represented Litigation Network.
Cost: $75 in addition to the Equal Justice Conference registration fee.
Impact Pro Bono: Utilizing Litigation, Transactional Assistance & Public Policy
Wednesday, May 11 | 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Public interest legal organizations and law firms face unique issues when working together on impact or large scale litigation, transactional work or public policy matters. The purpose of the pre-conference is to have an open discussion on these challenges among peers. Topics will include best practices, co-counseling, staffing and working with other involved parties.
Cost: Included with the basic conference registration fee.
Additional Programming
National Meeting of State Access to Justice Chairs
Saturday, May 14 | 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
The ATJ Meeting is the preeminent national gathering of ATJ Commission members and other stakeholders. The meeting offers substantive programming delivered by national experts, and unique networking opportunities for Supreme Court Justices, judges, bar association and foundation officials, legal aid directors, funder organization officials, law school faculty, and of course Commission members and staff.
Cost: $60 with Equal Justice Conference registration purchase.