2019 NLADA Elections

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2019 NLADA Governance Elections

Click HERE to access the nomination booklet.


The nomination process for electing positions on NLADA’s Board of Directors, Defender Council and Civil Council has begun! ​


There are SIX positions up for election:

  • Board of Directors - 1 Slot

    • Civil Individual

  • Defender Council - 2 Slots

    • Chief Defender or Director of Defender Program

    • Defender Staff/Practitioner

  • Civil Council - 3 Slots

    • Chief Staff Officer (region II)

    • Client Representative (regions V & VI)

    • Client Representative

Who can I nominate?

We urge you to nominate a colleague or yourself to run for election to one of these positions. Please circulate this webpage to your staff and clients so that they may fully participate in the election process.

Why particpate in the 2019 NLADA Elections?

NLADA is our voice in the national arena on significant issues that directly impact the civil and defender legal services communities. The Board and Councils influence the direction of the Association as they craft policies and determine what products and services will best serve our members. It is critical that we, as NLADA members, take seriously our responsibility to provide guidance and leadership through the Board and Councils. The ability of the Association to effectively serve its communities depends on attracting strong, committed and diverse candidates to serve on these governing bodies.

To Submit a Nomination:

You may submit your nominations in one of 3 ways:

  • Mail: NLADA, 1901 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste 500, Washington DC 20006

  • Fax: 202-872-1031

  • Email: [email protected]


The detailed information needed for nominations is located in the 2019 Nominations Booklet.
Click HERE to access the nomination booklet.


Print copies of the nominations booklet have been mailed. If you did not receive your copy or have any questions at all, please contact us at [email protected]


Submit your nominations by July 10, 2019.