Assistant Capital Collateral Regional Counsel

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Job location
United States
Organization information
Organization name: 
Capital Collateral Regional Counsel-North
Street address: 
1004 DeSoto Park Drive
Job type: 
Legal - Defender
Position Description: 

CCRC-North is responsible for investigating, filing, and litigating state postconviction motions in local circuit courts, appeals to the Florida Supreme Court, and petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Supreme Court. The position includes both litigation and appellate opportunities as the case moves through the postconviction process. Attorneys also have the opportunity to work with a variety of experts related to guilt and penalty phase issues.

Cases are assigned a team within CCRC-North. Each team consists, at a minimum, of a lead attorney, a second chair attorney, and an investigator. Attorneys work closely with their team, clients, witnesses, and experts to effectively challenge the conviction and sentence. CCRC-north's cases usually originate in North Florida; however, conflict case appointments may arise from anywhere in Florida.


The qualified candidate must meet the requirements of Fla. R. Crim. P. 3.112(k). For a lead attorney, the Rule requires a minimum of membership in any bar for at least five years and at least three years of experience in the field of postconviction litigation. The candidate must have participated in a combined total of five proceedings, including capital trials, capital sentencings, capital postconviction evidentiary hearings, capital collateral postconviction appeals, and capital federal habeas proceedings. At least two of the five required proceedings must be postconviction or habeas proceedings. Current membership in the Florida Bar is preferred, but highly qualified out of state attorney candidates who commit to sitting for the Florida Bar examination are encouraged to apply.

To apply: 

Email resume and writing sample to [email protected]

Equal Opportunity Employer
Salary range: 
$90,000 plus State of Florida benefits package.
Submission deadline: 
Tuesday, December 31, 2024