Training and development of public defenders, legal aid attorneys and other advocates is as important now as it has ever been. Agencies across the nation are looking to equip their staff with the skills needed to fight for their clients. If you are looking to improve your knowledge and practice in developing training initiatives, join us for this virtual train the trainer program!
This program is specifically designed for new and experienced trainers as well as managers and upcoming leaders responsible for planning and providing training in their organizations. This program is conducted by a team of training professionals from a variety of perspectives, representing different regions of the country and with experience in training within statewide, county, and nonprofit systems. The format of the program will include both plenary sessions and breakout groups for participants to focus on individual goals for themselves and their agencies, all through a racial equity lens.
Bring your own project to work through, whether it’s a single presentation or a multi-day event you are planning. Our coaches will help you incorporate the principles and practices from the lecture into your project and you’ll have an opportunity to practice the skills you’ve learned.