Civil Legal Aid Initiative: Non-LSC Federal Resources

Through our Civil Legal Aid Initiative, supported by the Kresge and Public Welfare Foundations, NLADA increases civil legal aid’s capacity to apply for, receive, and manage federal grant programs that target low-income populations and allow legal services to fulfill program goals. It builds upon the efforts of the Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable and the US Department of Justice Office for Access to Justice to demonstrate to federal agencies how civil legal aid can help meet program goals and improve delivery of services in areas such as health care, housing, and veterans' affairs.

Our work includes helping civil legal aid programs build strong partnerships with community organizations and state and regional government entities to deliver services. We also advocate with federal agencies to eliminate barriers to the use of federal funds for civil legal aid and with Congress to expand opportunities for non-LSC funding for civil legal services.

To help build civil legal aid’s capacity to secure federal grants, we have developed, which features federal grant opportunities for legal aid programs with easy-to-find information on:

  • Deadlines, eligibility requirements, and grant priorities
  • Whether there is specific language on legal aid
  • Relevant regulations and policies
  • Sample successful grant applications, memoranda of understanding, and other helpful documents

We have several dedicated listservs to help answer questions about and support strategies for specific opportunities. The listservs currently focus on Supportive Services for Veteran’s Families (SSVF), reentry grant programs, and the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA).

NLADA staff also provides technical assistance, training, and support for obtaining federal funding. We host webinars throughout the year and in 2016 will be organizing regional trainings for legal aid programs and current or potential partners to show how to incorporate legal aid as part of a holistic model to serve low-income people.

If you are a legal aid organization and have questions about applying for or administering federal grant programs, or would like to join one of our listservs, please contact our team at [email protected].

NLADA and the Justice in Government Project are working together to unlock funding opportunities for civil legal aid across the United States. Learn how this work connects to Global Activity on Access to Justice & the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16 by clicking here!